Saturday, August 1, 2009

Psychotic Bee: Steffan's first Bee Sting

Steffan and I had 3 whole hours alone tonight-- so cool! We went to Trafalga and tried to do the things we can't do when we go with our kiddos. We raced go-carts, played arcarde games, and rode the 4D ride "The Haunted Mine," then went outside to sit and talk for a few minutes while he ate ice cream (I can't eat it because the sugar gives me migraines). As we sat down on a bench though, this bee flew toward us out of nowhere (not uncommon when you're outdoors and have food), then flew right at Steffan's forehead and stung him! It was so random! The little thing didn't even land on him. It just zoomed at him and stung him.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ethan's first clear sentence

Wow! What a gorgeous day! Now, what to write? Hmmm. Ethan (14 months today!) talks all of the time, but usually it takes some real focus to understand what he's saying, but today he said a sentence that was understandable! I was doing laundry and he had crawled up the stairs to be with me. After starting the load, I went back downstairs, and he started calling to me. "Ma-ma-ma-ma!"
He's really good at maneuvering stairs in general, so I called back to him to come downstairs and play. He chattered back to me ("bah dah boo da gamono"), and I could tell he was a bit nervous about crawling down the stairs, so I said, "oh, is coming down the stairs by yourself a bit scary?" He replied, "ya. Dah come stayhs bih scaiwy."
K. So I'm definitely a biased mom, but I still think that was awesome. If you don't then I'm sorry, cuz you're wrong. (He-he!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I've got sunshine....

I just want to say I am SOOOO thankful for sunshine! The kids and I have head colds and haven't done much of anything for the past few days, but today I couldn't stand it any longer... I got out the stroller and went for a walk. (Which turned out to be an interesting situation, because the elevator's broken, we live on the third floor, and I have one of the graco limousine-sized strollers.)
It felt so awesome to get some sun!